We came soooo close to hitting the 10 million pageviews mark for the year, but fell just slightly short because there was a day of downtime when I was on vacation. I guess that was the hidden cost of all that wine and cheese =)

We had a nearly even split between Firefox and Internet Explorer users, with 48% and 46% respectively.

Not surprisingly, Windows is the choice of 85% of the readers. I should really write more Linux articles.

Vista users make up 42% of the Windows users… which means 36% of the readers of the site are running Vista, if my math is correct.

Here’s the top 5 traffic sources for the year… obviously the vast majority of traffic comes from Google, but I’m very thankful for being featured on Lifehacker so often. Thanks Gina, Adam and Kevin!

It’s really easy to see the current subscriber count, but the graph of the growth this year is really interesting. We went from pretty much zero to almost 40,000 in 12 months, but if you look closely we actually gained 30k over the last 5 months.

(The 3 downward spikes you see in the graph are when Feedburner’s counter went down)

The forum has also done really well over the last 5 months… Many thanks have to go to Scott for keeping everything going there, but I’d also like to thank the many people that help answer questions on a regular basis, including whs, lighthouse, jd2066, taybay, michael, alanmcc, mysticgeek and all the others that will be offended by my forgetting to include them on the list.

Additional forum stats that I don’t have a cool graph for:

Total topics: 1396 Total posts: 6052 Registered users: 1572 Total pageviews: 344,935

And thus ends the tale of the graphical number goodness. It should be interesting to see what next year has in store for us.

Oh, and my new year’s resolution is 1680×1050 on 3 monitors =)  [from]