If you’ve opted into one of the Google Experimental Search programs like the keyboard shortcuts experiment, you’ve probably seen the annoying survey box that doesn’t seem to go away, even after you take the survey. Good thing Firefox is customizable, so we can easily remove it with a Stylish script.

I’ve taken the survey more than once… so why do I keep seeing this box?

Hide Annoying Survey Box

You’ll need to have the Stylish extension installed for this tweak to work, but it’s also a great extension well worth installing anyway.

Just click on the Stylish icon in the status bar and choose “Write Style” and then “For google.com…” (if you are looking at the search results page, otherwise choose Blank Style)

Paste in this code into the textbox, and give the style a name in the description box.

@-moz-document domain(“google.com”) { #exp_msgs {display:none !important;}}

After clicking Save or Preview, you should see that annoying box is gone:

The Stylish extension can be used similarly to hide any element on any page that you don’t want to see anymore, or even completely revamp the look of an entire site.

Note: for loads of submitted user styles, you should check out userstyles.org.