You know that quizzes are good tools for testing more than just students in school. You can use a quiz at work for trainees or employees, but also for fun occasions like a bridal shower or family night game. This makes the auto-grading quiz option in Microsoft Forms even handier.

Self-Grading Quiz and Useful Features

A self-grading quiz allows the test taker to see their correct and incorrect answers after they submit the quiz. They simply select “View Results” to see the score and answers.

While not required, you can assign a point value to each question which is helpful if you are assigning a letter grade based on the score.

In addition, you can include feedback for specific answers on choice questions. This is useful for commonly incorrect answers to questions because you can explain further why an answer is wrong.

We’ll walk through the point and feedback features when creating the questions below.

Set Up the Quiz in Microsoft Forms

You can set up a new quiz or edit an existing quiz to grade itself, and you can use a blank quiz or one of the Microsoft Forms templates.

Visit Microsoft Forms and sign in with your Microsoft account. Select “New Quiz” at the top of the main page or use the More Templates link to select a quiz template.

Give your quiz a name, a description, and optionally a theme using the button in the top right.

Add Questions to Your Quiz

When you’re ready to add the quiz questions, choose Add New and pick the question type. You can use Choice, Text, Rating, Date, Ranking, Likert, and Net Promoter question types, although the first two types are the most common for quizzes.

Text Questions

You’ll likely want to start with basic questions such as first and last name or email address. You can use the Text question type for these.

Choose Text, enter the Question, and turn on the toggle for Required if you wish.

For Text questions, you can assign a value in the Points box. Although you likely won’t do this for questions like first name or last name, you may for other Text questions on your quiz.

Additional settings for Text questions include a subtitle, restrictions, math feature, and logic branching. Use the three dots on the bottom right of the question to display these settings. You can also enable the Long Answer toggle to allow room for lengthy responses.

RELATED: How to Add Branching in Microsoft Forms

Text questions do not have a feedback option because the quiz taker types their answer rather than selecting one from a list.

Choice Questions

For multiple choice, pick the Choice question type. Enter the question and then each of the answers. You can use this for True or False questions or those with several possible answers. If you want to allow more than one answer to the question, turn on the toggle for Multiple Answers.

Be sure to mark the checkmark next to the correct answer(s).

On the bottom left of the question, you can enter a value in the Points box.

To add feedback to a particular answer, hover your cursor over the answer and select the comment icon. Then enter the feedback in the box that displays.

Additional settings for Choice questions include shuffle options, a drop-down format, math feature, a subtitle, and logic branching. Use the three dots on the bottom right of the question to display these settings.

Make the Quiz Self-Grading

To make the quiz self-grading, select the three dots on the top right of the page for More Form Settings. Pick “Settings.”

Enable the toggle at the top of the Settings for Show Results Automatically.

Optionally, you can use the additional settings you see for a start and end date, displaying a progress bar, and customizing the thank you message.

Preview Your Quiz

You can walk through the quiz anytime by selecting the Preview option on the top right.

This helps you view your questions and answers as your quiz takers will see them. You can also check out how the feedback displays for choice questions and how the grading results display upon submission.

View the Responses

Once your quiz is published or shared, you can view the responses on the Reponses tab on the quiz page in Microsoft Forms.

You’ll see a summary at the top showing the number of responses and average overall score with summaries of each question beneath.

Choose “More Details” for a question to see each response.

To see individual responses to all questions, select “Review Answers” and to publish the scores, select “Post Scores.”

You can also open the responses in Microsoft Excel, print a summary of the responses, or create a summary link.

Now that you know how to create a self-grading quiz, take a look at how to make a questionnaire in Microsoft Forms too.