In case you aren’t sure what we’re talking about, you can use Win+B, then Left, then Enter to pop up this calendar with the keyboard (or you can just click once on the clock). But we can get that down to a single keystroke with an AutoHotkey script.


Note: I came up with this idea after reading an article from Digital Inspiration about launching timedate.cpl with a shortcut.

Using the AutoHotkey Script

In order to use this script, you’ll need to have AutoHotkey installed. If you’d rather not do that, there’s a compiled version further down.

What we’ll do is assign the F12 key to send the keystrokes instead of having to do them manually. Create a new file named something.ahk and then paste in the following:

Save the file, and now you can double-click on it to launch it.

f12::{send, {lwin down}b{lwin up}sleep 10send, {left}sleep 10send, {enter}Return}

At this point you can use the F12 key to pop open the calendar. If you want to close the script out, there’s an icon in the system tray.

Note: You can substitute another key instead of F12 if you want. You could also add #NoTrayIcon to keep it from putting an icon into the system tray.

Using the Compiled Application

I’ve included a compiled .exe version of the script in the download that you can run if you don’t have AutoHotkey installed. Just double-click on VistaCalendarHotkey.exe to run it.

Download VistaCalendarHotkey AutoHotkey Script/Application