
First you’ll need to download and extract the source code using the following command. (Note that you should adjust these commands for the latest version if necessary)

Now change into the directory and run “make install” to both compile and install the application. You’ll need to be running as root to install this particular application, or you can just use sudo as shown:

tar xvfz multitail-5.2.0.tgz

At this point it’s completely installed and can be used by any user. The default installation location is /usr/bin/multitail

sudo make install


You can merge logfiles into a horizontally split window by using the -i command before each logfile. This is most useful when you don’t have a lot of space or the lines in the file are very long.

You can even use the -l command to show the output of a command, such as a ping or trace. This would also allow you to use scripts that strip out output that you don’t want… often you only want to see certain lines in a file, such as errors.

There are loads of other options, which I will leave as an exercise for the reader. You can change the color schemes, split vertically as well as horizontally, or even view statistics on the logfiles.

You can check out the examples page on the multitail homepage, or just use the –help option to see the giant list of options.

Download MultiTail from