Installation & Setup

Installation is quick and simple with only four install windows to go through. After you have finished installing Printee for IE, you will need to add the toolbar button to the toolbar.

Right Click on one of your browser’s toolbars, navigate to “Customize”, and select “Add or Remove Commands…”.

Once you have selected “Add or Remove Commands…”, you will see the following window. Click in the right window area to choose the new location for the Printee Button (button will be placed in position directly above your selection). Scroll through the buttons in the left window area until you find the Printee button and then click on it to select it. Click on “Add” to add the Printee Button to your toolbar, then click on “Close” to finish up.

And there is your new best friend for printing content from webpages.

Printee for IE in Action

For our example, we decided to visit the Accelerators Page for Internet Explorer 8. Here you can see the webpage before using Printee… Notice all of the extra content on both sides of the text area and at the top. To activate Printee, simply click on the Printee Toolbar Button.

A good close-up look at the left side of the toolbar…

And at the right side of the toolbar.

Time to clean that webpage up! As you move your mouse over different areas of the webpage you will see orange box outlines surrounding particular page sections. To select an area for editing, click within the outlined area and it will be shaded in green. Once you have an area or areas selected, choose the desired action from the Printee Toolbar.

Continue until you have the webpage fixed just the way that you want it for printing. Here you can see that we removed all webpage elements outside of the text area and removed the background as well (very nice!). Looking great and definitely ready to print!


If you are looking for something to streamline your printing and help you to conserve paper and ink, then Printee for IE is definitely a recommended addition for your Internet Explorer browser. Also, if you want quick way to print out selected text from a webpage in any browser check out Mysticgeek’s article.


Download Printee for IE (version

Works On: Windows 2000 – Vista, Internet Explorer versions 6 – 8

Installed On: Windows Vista (32 bit), Service Pack 2