Boot/Logon Screens

Customize Your Windows Vista Logon ScreenThat default Vista screen gets boring after a while, but it’s easy to change.

Create a Custom Boot Logo for Windows VistaYou can customize that boring Windows Vista boot screen with a small utility.

Enable Hidden BootScreen in Windows VistaWindows Vista has a built-in “Aurora” boot screen that you can enable with a quick tweak.

Fun Window Manager Stuff

Increase Size of Windows Vista Taskbar PreviewsMake the built-in taskbar previews much bigger with a free utility by the brilliant Andreas Verhoeven.

Get the Beryl/Ubuntu “Desktop Cube” Effect for Windows[update: This is no longer available for free, sadly, and is temporarily completely unavailable. This is why we should all support Open Source projects.]

Great Expose Clone for Windows VistaThis is one of the better clones out there, with many configurable features.

Mac OSX Expose Clone for Windows VistaThe first expose clone, but you might want to try the one above first.

Fonts and Icons

Tune Your ClearType Font Settings in Windows VistaYou can tune those fonts to look however you’d like.

Disable Shortcut Icon Arrow Overlay in Windows VistaA perennial favorite, disabling the shortcut icons.

Why Do My Windows Vista Fonts Look Horrible?Your computer manufacturer might have screwed up the default settings. 

Hide Desktop Icon Text on Windows VistaAnother favorite, hiding the text on your icons.

Aero and Stuff

Trim Windows Vista’s Bloated Window BordersIf you don’t like the huge Vista borders, you can make them smaller easily

Enable Slow-Motion Aero Animations in Windows VistaSlow motion? What an odd registry hack.

Disable Aero on Windows VistaDon’t like Aero? You can disable it easily.

Disable Flip3D in Windows VistaFlip3D got you down because it’s so pathetic? Just get rid of it.

View Hidden 3D Benchmarks in Windows VistaThis one is pretty cool.